Hello and welcome to my voice over site. My name is Gary MacFadden. I’ve been involved in voice over for several years. I primarily narrate and produce audio books, produce videos for local businesses, and voice e-learning courses.

To not know that video is today’s most-oft-chosen publishing tool, you’d have to be living in the back woods of Montana. Hey, wait a minute…I do live in the back woods of Montana, in a log house with my partner, and (fortunately) a pretty good Internet connection. Yes, even out here in the woods, it’s become obvious that video is a core piece of Internet marketing.
My background is in journalism and writing. I have two degrees (Journalism and Radio-TV), and have written 7 books and hundreds of magazine articles, blog posts, and newspaper articles.
It became clear to me a number of years ago that the world was moving away from print, and that’s when I got into voice over. In addition to audio books, I’ve voiced commercials, eLearning projects, and have recently moved into voicing for political ads (see https://malepoliticalvoice.com )